Últimos vidéos

SvenskaFilmTVKanalen (Sverige)
2 vistas · 5 meses hace

⁣Tecknat Barn Svenska:Loranga, Masarin & Dartanjang (2005) DVDRIPPEN (Svenska) Hela Filmen (HD)

SvenskaFilmTVKanalen (Sverige)
5 vistas · 5 meses hace

⁣Tecknat Barn Svenska:Loranga, Masarin & Dartanjang (2005) DVDRIPPEN (Svenska) Hela Filmen

Nostalgi-TV-Kanalen (Sverige)
5 vistas · 5 meses hace

⁣De 101 dalmatinerna II – Tuffs äventyr i London (2003) VHSRIPPEN (Svenska) Trailer (4K)

Nostalgi-TV-Kanalen (Sverige)
3 vistas · 5 meses hace

⁣De 101 dalmatinerna II – Tuffs äventyr i London (2003) VHSRIPPEN (Svenska) Trailer (4D)

Nostalgi-TV-Kanalen (Sverige)
4 vistas · 5 meses hace

⁣De 101 dalmatinerna II – Tuffs äventyr i London (2003) VHSRIPPEN (Svenska) Trailer (3D)

Nostalgi-TV-Kanalen (Sverige)
3 vistas · 5 meses hace

⁣De 101 dalmatinerna II – Tuffs äventyr i London (2003) VHSRIPPEN (Svenska) Trailer (HD)

Nostalgi-TV-Kanalen (Sverige)
4 vistas · 5 meses hace

⁣De 101 dalmatinerna 2 – Tuffs äventyr i London (engelska: 101 Dalmatians II: Patch's London Adventure) är en amerikansk långfilm från 2003 i regi av Jim Kammerud och Brian Smith, med Barry Bostwick, Jason Alexander, Martin Short och Bobby Lockwood i rollerna. Filmen är uppföljaren till disneyfilmen Pongo och de 101 dalmatinerna från 1961. Filmen släpptes direkt till video i Kanada och USA den 21 januari 2003.

5 vistas · 6 meses hace


3 vistas · 6 meses hace

⁣Vera pizzana poletana

Maria Angeles Gòmez Lorenzo
3 vistas · 6 meses hace

Neapolitan pizza dough is the most recognized in the world, but many get it wrong, so I’ve enlisted world champion pizza maker, Johnny Di Francesco to teach us his secrets to how to make neapolitan pizza dough. True to Italian tradition, Neapolitan pizza dough is made up of very few ingredients, water, salt, yeast and all-important flour. The taste and crunch make all the difference, so watch as we pair it back and respect the simplicity of this fine dough.
This is the first episode in a series completely dedicated to pizza. If you aren’t already obsessed with perfecting your version of Neapolitan pizza, you will be with these traditional methods that will ensure you get it right each and every time. This is how to make Neapolitan Pizza dough like a World Best Pizza Chef

#neapolitanpizza #howtomakeneapolitanpizzadough #neapolitanpizzadough

🌍Get the recipe on my website https://www.vincenzosplate.com..../recipe-items/neapol



- How to Make Neapolitan Pizza like World Best Pizza Chef https://youtu.be/8Q_9h6VKm9c
- How to Make Whole Wheat Pizza like a Flour Technician https://youtu.be/0skXj_w8MMc
- How to Make Pizza Margherita like a Neapolitan Pizza Chef https://youtu.be/xKDnD8sJsuY
- How to Make Focaccia Barese https://youtu.be/aEnfMRI9Kbw
- How to Make Gluten Free Pizza https://youtu.be/tBBbyS7QxnU
- How to Make Montanara Pizza https://youtu.be/qNxHnG9tmIg
- How to Make Roman Pizza (Pizza in Pala) https://youtu.be/m5IO-RYxLco


600ml water (room temperature)
1kg 5 Stagioni Napoletana Pizza Flour, Tipo 00 (RED)
30g salt
1-2g fresh yeast (or half teaspoon of dry yeast)

Large mixing bowl
Table or bench space
Your hands!
OPTIONAL: This pizza can also be made using a stand mixer



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🌍Join my Small Group Private Italian Tour and discover the secret gems of Italy with me. Check out the itinerary and make sure you book asap (Only 10 spots available) https://www.vincenzosplate.com/italian-tour/

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✔LIKE, SHARE and COMMENT on my videos please. It really means a lot to me.


PASTA RECIPES: http://bit.ly/MyPastaRecipes

PIZZA RECIPES: http://bit.ly/MyPizzaRecipes

NONNA’S RECIPES: http://bit.ly/NonnaRecipes


🎬 #VincenzosPlate is a YouTube channel with a focus on cooking, determined to teach the world, one #videorecipe at a time that you don’t need to be a professional #chef to impress friends, family and yourself with mouth-watering #ItalianFoodRecipes right out of your very own #kitchen whilst having a laugh (and a glass of vino!).

Maria Angeles Gòmez Lorenzo
0 vistas · 6 meses hace

It's time that the Italians and New Yorkers have a chat, I love you both so may the best homemade pizza win.

Baking Steel I use: https://amzn.to/3HHczL7
Another Baking Steel Option: https://amzn.to/3NgXgtI

Get My Cookbook: http://bit.ly/JWCookbookAmazon

Additional Cookbook Options (other stores, international, etc.): https://bit.ly/TheJWCookbook

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/joshuaweissman
Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@flakeysalt
Twitter: https://twitter.com/therealweissman
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thejoshuaweissman
Subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/JoshuaWeissman/
Discord Server: https://discord.gg/joshuaweissman
Full Recipe: https://www.joshuaweissman.com..../post/new-york-pizza

Maria Angeles Gòmez Lorenzo
3 vistas · 6 meses hace

After eating a lot of Pizza in Italy, I've noticed these little things Italians do differently.


Follow Me:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cookingwithayeh
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@cookingwithayeh
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cookingwithayeh
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com.au/cookingwithayeh


#italy #pizza #pizzalover #italia #italianpizza #pizzafacts

Maria Angeles Gòmez Lorenzo
2 vistas · 6 meses hace

This is a short video and me and ​⁠ made a Neapolitan pizza and he challenged me with USA Pizza, guess who won hahah
Please subscribe to my channel for long format video and not #shorts

Maria Angeles Gòmez Lorenzo
1 vistas · 6 meses hace

Pizza caseira:

Pra quem gosta de receita italiana! Aproveita que a partir de agora vou começar uma série
chamada “manja que te fá bene”! E todos os produtos que eu usar, eu comprei no mercado pelo app do @ifoodbrasil


- 1 kg de farinha
- 5 colheres de chá de sal
- 2/3 gramas de fermento biológico fresco
- 600 ml de água

Para o recheio:

- 2 latas de tomates pelados
- o azeite de alguma pimenta em conserva
- 150 gramas de camarão
- 150 gramas de lula
- 150 gramas de polvo
- 150 gramas de mexilhão
- azeite

Modo de preparo:

Comece colocando a água numa vasilha junto com o sal e 100 gramas da nossa farinha!

Mexa bem e depois adicione o fermento e vá mexendo e colocando a farinha aos poucos!

Quando colocar tudo! Passe a massa para uma bancada e vá sovando até ficar lisinha!
Deixe ela descansar na bancada coberta com um pano úmido por 2 horas! Depois corte em 6 pedaços e coloque numa forma coberta por 1 ou 2 dias! (Dê preferência em temperatura ambiente)

Depois é só abrir a massa, colocar nosso recheio e mandar pro forno por 90 segundos!

E fácil assim! Temos a melhor pizza da sua vida!

#cheffotto #shorts #pizza #comida #receitasfaceis #MercadoNoiFood #iFood #DiaDaPizza #MuitoMaisQueUmPedido #publicidade

Maria Angeles Gòmez Lorenzo
2 vistas · 6 meses hace

0:00 Intro
1:09 Starting point for the full-length video
1:54 making pizza dough
7:01 Interview with the Pizza chef
15:58 Pizzeira open
23:19 He carries 8 pizzas at once! !!

Pizzeria Remo a testaccio" is a very popular pizza place among the locals in Rome. If you want to taste true artisanal Roman pizza, you should definitely visit this place.

🍕 Pizzeria Remo A Testaccio
📍 Location: Piazza di S Maria Liberatrice, 44, 00153 Roma RM, ITALY
📞 (+39) 065746270

☆Related Videos☆

Give the video a thumbs-up if you enjoyed it, and please subscribe to our channel!

☆Business Email: sohungryitaly@gmail.com

#romepizza #romapizza #romanpizza #pizzeria #pizzaromana #pizzaaltaglio #ピザ #itarianfood #hungry #trattoria #pizza #pasta #sohungry #sohungryitaly #パン #パン屋 #ベーカリー #빵집 #베이커리

Maria Angeles Gòmez Lorenzo
1 vistas · 6 meses hace

Join us as we explore the bustling Rome city center, Trastevere, and Testaccio neighborhoods, uncovering the local Roman street food. From iconic pizzerias to fantastic gelaterias and local eateries, in search for authentic Italian foods.

🥪 Our first stop is the legendary All' antico Vinaio, where the aroma of freshly baked bread and the finest Italian ingredients attract many customers.
🍕 As we venture through the charming streets of Rome, we'll indulge in a couple of pizza places that have mastered the art of perfect Roman and Neapolitan pizza. Each slice is a testament to the city's rich culinary heritage, blending tradition with contemporary flair.

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/alexmarktravel/
#italian #food #rome

Restaurants/shops visited in this video:
1. // *_All' antico Vinaio_* // Address: Piazza della Maddalena, 3, 00186 Roma RM, Italy
2. // *_Seu Pizza Illuminati_* // Address: Via Angelo Bargoni, 10 - 18, 00153 Roma RM, Italy
3. // *_IVO a Trastevere_* // Address: Via di S. Francesco a Ripa, 158, 00153 Roma RM, Italy
4. // *_Antica Caciara_* // Address: Via di S. Francesco a Ripa, 140A/B, 00153 Roma RM, Italy
5. // *_Ristorante Jole_* // Address: Piazza Orazio Giustiniani, 2, 00153 Testaccio RM, Italy

00:00 – Intro
00:35 – All' antico Vinaio Sandwiches
06:43 – Neapolitan Pizza
10:40 – Roman Pizza
13:38 – Grandma's Kitchen

My gear 🎥
DJI Pocket 3 Camera: https://amzn.to/3WZmxzy
MicroSD Card: https://amzn.to/3ATC10p
External SSD 1TB: https://amzn.to/3TaMLxI
External HDD 4TB: https://amzn.to/3XpJtJO

Maria Angeles Gòmez Lorenzo
3 vistas · 6 meses hace

pizza dough (pizza dough recipe at preppykitchen.com)
tomatoes only from a 28 oz can of whole tomatoes
2 Tbsp chopped fresh basil
1/2 lb fresh mozzarella cheese

Preheat oven to 500f with a baking steel or stone
In a bowl, add your whole tomatoes. Crush with your hands, add your basil and salt. Mix together, then set aside.
After your pizza dough has doubled in size, divide in half and roll into balls. Place into a greased bowl , cover and let rest for 25 more minutes.

Take one of your dough balls and using your fist, punch out the crust. Then stretch your dough until roughly a foot in circumference. Place on a lightly floured pizza peel. Add a couple spoonfuls of your sauce, some mozzarella slices and a few whole basil leaves. Using your pizza peel, slide your pizza onto your pre-heated pizza stone. Cook for about 10-12 minutes, or until the cheese is melted and the dough is puffed and lightly browned.

Slice and enjoy!!!

Maria Angeles Gòmez Lorenzo
3 vistas · 6 meses hace


Trago até vocês, apreciadores das "melhores pizzas", o segredo de muitas pizzarias tradicionais de Nápoles e de muitos pizzaiolos renomados da Itália... A verdadeira massa da pizza napolitana!!! "Verace Pizza Napoletana" . Claro que adaptada as condições climáticas de nosso país e também para se fazer em casa!

Surpreenda seus clientes, familiares e amigos, e tenha um negócio de sucesso ou momentos inesquecíveis em família! Domine a verdadeira arte de se fazer pizzas perfeitas e diferenciadas! O “Mestre da Pizza” vai te ensinar do zero ao avançado todas as etapas para começar a fazer pizzas fantásticas e te permitir se destacar verdadeiramente no universo da pizza.

Seja membro deste canal e ganhe benefícios:

Atenção: não se esqueça de olhar em sua caixa de spam! E após receber salve o meu contato para futuros e-mails com outros conteúdos do chef.


🍞 1. CURSO ONLINE PÃO CASEIRO - E se você quer aprender a fazer PÃES INCRÍVEIS na sua casa, utilizando ingredientes básicos e um forno doméstico, dominando sobre fermentação natural e outras técnicas avançadas de panificação artesanal, veja este link abaixo:

🍔 2. CURSO SENSACIONAL EM E-BOOK “PROFISSÃO HAMBURGUEIRO” com o chef hamburgueiro e Youtuber Eduardo Perrone: Clique no link abaixo para saber mais: https://p.eduzz.com/633957?a=37061236

🍞 3. CURSO ONLINE PANETONE - Que tal aprender a fazer panetone com fermento natural? Descubra um sabor inimaginável, muito superior aos panetones industrializados, com mais qualidade, frescor, maciez e um aroma incrível. Clique nesse link e saiba mais:
Ingredientes da massa:

- 1 kg de farinha italiana 00 5stagione pizza Napoletana força w 300;
- 600g de água filtrada;
- 10g fermento biológico seco;
- 30g de sal; (2 a 3% ou seja. entre 20g a 30g)
- 20 a 30ml de azeite;

Molho: pomodoro de tomates italianos, sal, azeite e manjericão;

Cobertura: muçarela de búfala e folhas de manjericão;


✅ Me sigam no Instagram: @chefjosecarlos

✅ Curtam minha página no Facebook "Receitas do Chef José Carlos":

🎸 Bushwick Tarantella de Kevin MacLeod está licenciada sob uma licença Creative Commons Attribution (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Origem: http://incompetech.com/music/r....oyalty-free/index.ht
Artista: http://incompetech.com/

#chefjosecarlos #pizza #pizzanapolitana #pizzas #pizzaitaliana #pizzarias #napoletana #pizzaitaliana #pizzaiolo #pizzaiolos #massas

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